Unit 3: Thoughts, Emotions & Decisions

Unit 3: Thoughts, Emotions & Decisions

January 18 - March 8

Lesson 14: What Emotions Tell You

In this lesson, students will learn how to recognize the kind of information their emotions can give them in different situations and how that information can be useful.

You Can Try This at Home

Ask your child what type of emotions they felt today. Tell them the emotions you felt. What information did they get from those emotions? What did your emotions tell you?

Lesson 15: Emotions and Your Brain

In this lesson, students will learn how different parts of their brains play a part in managing their strong emotions.

You Can Try This at Home

Ask your child to teach you about some of the different parts of the brain and how they manage emotions. Look up a picture or video of the brain and learn some more!

Lesson 16: How Emotions Affect Your Decisions

In this lesson, students will analyze how strong emotions can influence their decision-making abilities, as well as how those decisions can affect their relationships.

You Can Try This at Home

Ask your child what sorts of things trigger strong emotions in them. Ask them how you can show support when those things happen.

Lesson 17: Managing Your Emotions

In this lesson, students will learn and practice several emotion-management strategies to help them make good decisions when they’re feeling a strong emotion.

You Can Try This at Home

Ask your child what strategy they like to use when they realize they need to manage their emotions. Share a strategy you like to use and see if it’s also helpful for them.

Lesson 18: What Works Best for You?

In this lesson, students will practice choosing an emotion-management strategy that works best for them in a given setting. They’ll look at several different settings and pick a strategy they think will work for them.


You Can Try This at Home

Discuss different scenarios that might happen at home or school where your child might need to use an emotion-management strategy. Talk through the scenarios and ask your child to share their thinking and reasoning with you.

Lesson 19: Raising Awareness About Managing Emotions

In this lesson, students will create a storyboard (a visual plan for a video) that will inform their peers about the benefits of using emotion-management strategies.

You Can Try This at Home

Ask to see your child’s storyboard. If they can’t bring it home, ask them to describe it to you.

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