Unit 1: Growth Mindset & Goal Setting

Unit 1: Growth Mindset & Goal Setting
Unit Flyer

September 6 - October 21

Click here to download a PDF of an overview of this unit.  This handout includes what your child is learning and ways you can practice at home.


Lesson 1: How to Get Good at Something

In this lesson, students will learn that their best skills have developed as a result of practicing, trying hard, and asking for help.

You Can Try This at Home

Ask your child to share with you what they’re good at and how they became good at it. Share with them something you’re good at and what you did to practice and try hard, and who you asked for help.


Lesson 2: What Mistakes Tell Us

In this lesson, students will learn that mistakes tell us something’s not working and that they can respond to mistakes by asking for help, trying again, or making a small change to keep going.

You Can Try This at Home

Ask your child what a mistake tells them and what they can do to keep going after a mistake.


Lesson 3: Helpful and Unhelpful Thoughts

In this lesson, students will learn that helpful thoughts can help us keep going when we’re learning and unhelpful thoughts might make us want to give up.

You Can Try This at Home

Ask your child whether the thoughts they have when they’re learning something new are helpful or unhelpful. Ask your child to share examples of helpful thoughts they know.


Lesson 4: We Can Change Our Thoughts

In this lesson, students will learn how to replace an unhelpful thought with a helpful thought so they can keep going when learning feels hard.

You Can Try This at Home

Ask your child how they might change an unhelpful thought into a helpful thought. Encourage them by using helpful thoughts at home.


Lesson 5: Learn and Get Better

In this lesson, students will use what they’ve learned from the unit to give advice to someone who is struggling to learn something new.

You Can Try This at Home

Ask your child what advice they would give you if you were having a hard time learning something new.

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