Unit 1: Growth Mindset & Goal Setting

Unit 1: Growth Mindset & Goal Setting

September 6 - October 12

Click here to download a PDF of an overview of this unit.  This handout includes what your child is learning and ways you can practice at home.


Lesson 1: Changing Your Brain

In this lesson, students will learn that when they learn something new, the brain changes as different parts of the brain begin to send messages to each other.

You Can Try This at Home

Ask your child to explain what happens in their brain when they learn something for the first time.


Lesson 2: Getting Better with Practice

In this lesson, students will learn that every time they practice a new skill, the brain gets better at sending the messages for that skill.

You Can Try This at Home

Ask your child to explain what happens in their brain when they practice.


Lesson 3: More Than Practice

In this lesson, students will learn that if they’re practicing a skill but not getting better, they can try a new way of practicing or find someone to learn from.

You Can Try This at Home

Ask your child to tell you something new they’ve been practicing at school. Ask if they can think of other ways to practice or someone they could learn from.


Lesson 4: Planning for Practice

In this lesson, students will work with a partner to make a practice plan that includes what they want to learn, how they will practice, and what they can do if they aren’t improving.

You Can Try This at Home

Ask your child to tell you what a practice plan includes.


Lesson 5: Make a Practice Plan

In this lesson, students will make their own practice plan.

You Can Try This at Home

Ask your child to share their practice plan with you. If they brought it home, find a place to display it where they’ll see it every day. Check in to see how their plan is going, and support them if they need help adjusting their plans.

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