Unit 2: Emotion Management

Unit 2: Emotion Management
Unit Flyer

October 24 - November 11

Click here to download a PDF of an overview of this unit. This handout includes what your child is learning and ways you can practice at home.

Lesson 6: Strong Emotions

In this lesson, students will learn that it’s possible to anticipate recurring situations that cause them to feel strong emotions so they can plan ways to manage those emotions in the future.

You Can Try This at Home

Tell your child about a recurring situation in your life that typically causes you to feel a strong emotion, like anger or frustration. Ask your child to tell you about similar situations in their life.


Lesson 7: What is Stress?

In this lesson, students will identify signs of stress, situations that can cause them to feel stress, and strategies they can use to manage feelings of stress.

You Can Try This at Home

Ask your child what their body feels like when they’re stressed and what things cause them to feel stress. Share your own experiences with stress and what you do to manage it.


Lesson 8: Planning for Change

In this lesson, students will practice breaking down situations that feel big and unmanageable into smaller, more manageable pieces. They will also practice identifying a small change someone could make to manage their strong emotions the next time a situation occurs.

You Can Try This at Home

Tell your child about a recurring situation in your life that typically causes you to feel a strong emotion, like stress or anger. Ask your child what you can change to make the situation better, and why they would suggest that change.


Lesson 9: What Can I Change?

In this lesson, students will practice identifying things that a person can or can’t change in a recurring situation that causes them to feel a strong emotion. Then they will focus on the things that can be changed to recommend something the person could think or do differently to manage their emotions in the future.

You Can Try This at Home

Ask your child if there’s anything coming up at school that makes them feel a strong emotion, like nervous, frustrated, or stressed. Ask them what they could think or do differently to make the situation easier to handle.


Lesson 10: Making a Change

In this lesson, students will practice identifying two changes they could make in a recurring personal situation to manage their strong emotions.

You Can Try This at Home

 Ask your child to tell you about a situation at home that causes them to feel strong emotions, like anger or stress. Ask them what they could change about the situation to better manage their emotions. Talk about what you can do to help them implement the change.

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