School Messenger

Bennington School District 59 uses the SchoolMessenger notification system to send important information to families through phone calls, emails, and text messages. If you haven't already done so, please take a moment to complete the simple opt-in process for text messaging below. We will only use the text messaging service to provide information that is timely and relevant for you and your student.

The opt-in process is simple and only takes a few seconds to complete.

  1. Simply text any one of the following words to the number 67587: "y", "yes", "subscribe", or "opt-in".
  2. You will know that you were successful if you receive the following reply message: "You're registered 4 SchoolMessenger notifications. Reply STOP to cancel, HELP for help. Msg&data rates may apply. msg freq varies." If you receive an error message, it is likely that you must contact your carrier to enable text messaging.
  3. To opt-out of all text messages from SchoolMessenger, r_eply with STOP to the opt-in message or visit

If you are uncertain as to whether or not you have already opted in, simply repeat the opt-in process above. There is no harm in sending the opt-in message more than once.

When parents provide a new wireless number to the school (common at the beginning of the school year Through the Registration process in SIMS), you may receive a text message requesting you opt-in to receive important information via text message. The message you receive will be similar to the following: "Bennington Public District 59 alerts. Reply Y for approximately 5 msgs/mo. Txt HELP 4 info. Msg&data rates may apply. Visit" Again, we encourage you to reply with any of the following words to opt-in: "y", "yes", "subscribe", or "opt-in".

Please note, although Bennington does not charge you for this service, it does not pay for text message charges that may be incurred by you for sending or receiving text messages. Check with your wireless carrier for possible charges. Emergency messages are always sent with all three message types (email, text, and voice calls) and to every contact number, we have available for you even if you have opted out. We cannot change this. Emergency messages will be labeled as such so you will know it is an actual emergency.

If you have any questions please feel free to contact your student's school office.

Frequently Asked Questions
How do I opt-in?
1. Confirm the text device number(s) are in SchoolMessenger... It may take 24 hours for numbers to be changed or added from the district database.
2. Text the word "yes" to 67587 from the wireless number(s) you wish to receive texts on.

I don't want to pay for/receive text messages... how does that work?
If you should not wish to receive text messages, simply do one of these things:
1. Don't reply to the opt-in message on day 30
2. Text "stop" to 67587, today or at any time in the future
3. Opt-out online at

I have a text message that says it is from you? What does it mean?
Yes, that message was sent by us if it is from 67587 and says: Bennington Public School District 59 text messages. Reply Y for approximately 3 msgs/mo. Txt HELP 4info. Msg&data rates may apply. See
Should you like to receive texts, reply with "yes"; if you do not, simply ignore it or reply with "no." If you don't reply with an affirmative, you will not receive any future texts from SchoolMessenger.

I opted into text messaging - sent yes to 67587 - I'm not receiving texts?
Ensure that the device number is correct in SIMS. It may take 24 hours for this number to be active after being changed or added.
Ask that they have sent "yes" from that specific device to 67587; if a recipient wants texts sent to three devices, each device number must have an opt-in receipt. Confirm that the recipient has been sent a SchoolMessenger broadcast that includes a text message.

Someone sent yes to 67587 but changed their mind - How do I turn off text messages?
Recipients may opt-out with any one of these methods.
1. Text "stop" to 67587 from the device
2. Add the device number to the SchoolMessenger Blocked Lists
3. Opt out at

How do I turn on text messages? - New recipients or those that haven't yet opted in
Send "yes" to 67587 - It may take 24 hours for numbers for a number to be changed or added from the district database.

Parents and Guardians

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