Unit 1: Growth Mindset & Goal Setting

Unit 1: Growth Mindset & Goal Setting
Unit Flyer

September 6 - October 21

Click here to download a PDF of an overview of this unit.  This handout includes what your child is learning and ways you can practice at home.


Lesson 1: Setting a Good Goal

In this lesson, students will work together to set a 2-week goal that’s specific, challenging, and doable.

You Can Try This at Home

Ask your child to describe their class goal and explain what makes it challenging and doable for their class. Tell your child about a goal you recently set and what makes it challenging and doable for you.


Lesson 2: Making a Plan

In this lesson, students will work together to make a good plan to reach their 2-week goal.

You Can Try This at Home

Ask your child to describe their plan to reach their class goal. What will they do? What will they need? Who can support them? Tell your child about a time when you made a plan to reach a goal.


Lesson 3: Checking Our Progress

In this lesson, students will work together to identify roadblocks that might be getting in the way as they work toward their 2-week goal. Then they’ll decide what they can change to remove or get around their roadblocks.

You Can Try This at Home

Ask your child if they’ve run into any roadblocks while working toward their class goal. If so, how will they work around them? Tell your child about a time you ran into a roadblock and what you did to overcome it.


Lesson 4: Reflecting On Our Journey

In this lesson, students will reflect on their journey of working toward their 2-week goal.

You Can Try This at Home

Ask your child about their experience with setting a class goal and working toward it. What worked? What didn’t work? What could they do next time? Reflect on a goal you’ve worked toward and what you learned.


Lesson 5: Ready, Set, Goal!

In this lesson, students will practice the full goal-setting process as they work toward a 10-minute goal with a group.

You Can Try This at Home

Work with your child to make a list of 1-week goals you could set as a family. Choose one and make sure it’s specific, challenging, and doable. Follow the goal-setting process to make a plan, check in on how it’s going, and at the end of the week, reflect on how it went and what you could do next time.

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