Unit 2: Emotion Management

Unit 2: Emotion Management
Unit Flyer

October 24 - November 11

Click here to download a PDF of an overview of this unit. This handout includes what your child is learning and ways you can practice at home.

Lesson 6: The Balanced Brain

In this lesson, students will learn that our brain works best when the logic and emotion centers are balanced and working together.

You Can Try This at Home

Tell your child about a time when a strong emotion made it hard for you to learn something new or caused you to say or do something that hurt someone’s feelings. Discuss why it’s important to learn to manage strong emotions.


Lesson 7: What Is Rethinking?

In this lesson, students will learn what it means to rethink a situation and how it can help them calm strong emotions.

You Can Try This at Home

Tell your child about a time when rethinking a situation, or thinking about it in a different way, helped you feel better. Encourage your child to talk about times in their lives when rethinking could have helped them.


Lesson 8: How to Rethink

In this lesson, students will learn about questions they can ask to rethink situations and they’ll practice asking these questions using made-up stories.

You Can Try This at Home

Ask your child, “What questions could you ask yourself to rethink a situation?” (Questions might include, “What happened?” “Has this ever happened to anyone else?” and “What’s something good that happened?”) Talk about how those questions can help them think differently about a situation.


Lesson 9: Take Another Look

In this lesson, students will practice rethinking a situation they’ve personally experienced.

You Can Try This at Home

Ask your child, "How could rethinking help you the next time you’re in a situation where you feel a strong emotion?" It’s important to note that rethinking is not a good strategy to use when someone is hurt or in danger.


Lesson 10: Rethink It!

In this lesson, students will work with a team to see how many different ways they can rethink a variety of situations.

You Can Try This at Home

With your child, create a “Rethink It!” chart to display at home. Make a list of questions that everyone can use to rethink when emotions are taking over and you just need a little help to see things in a different way.

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