Problem Solving Team

The Problem Solving Team (PST) is a collection of educators, including administrator(s), teachers, and specialists that meet regularly as a means to collaborate on interventions to best meet individual student needs. Students are referred to the PST process by a teacher. Parents are notified when a teacher enters a student into the PST. See below for the steps to this process. 

A special education evaluation is separate from this process and you, as the parent, will be notified if/when the team deems it appropriate to evaluate for special education. 

The purpose of the PST process is to allow all students to remain in their Least Restrictive Environment to meet their needs. Placement into this process adheres to state and federal laws ensuring the student receives necessary support in their Least Restrictive Environment and this is why the district opts to honor this process before evaluation to ensure all necessary steps have been taken to allow adequate gains in the area(s) of concern. 

PST Process

If the parent has a concern:

  • Discuss concerns with the teacher(s) and inquire about this process. 
  • If appropriate, the teacher will enter the student into the PST process.

Once entered into the process:

  • The team will meet to create a goal(s) based on the area(s) of concern as well as determine appropriate support and interventions to adequately address the concern(s).
  • Interventions are put in place for 6-8 weeks (as recommended by research) to determine if the student made adequate progress and to allow for the interventions to have TIME to be effective. 
  • The team reconvenes at the designated meeting date to analyze data.
    • The next steps are determined based on the data. 
      • Teams may decide to stay the course as it is effective.
      • The team may decide to change the goal due to the student meeting it which then also changes the interventions in place. 
      • The team may tweak or add to the current interventions and supports to better meet the student’s needs. 
  • The process will continue as determined appropriate by the team, likely multiple sessions. This process takes time as the district wants to ensure the student has time to adequately respond to appropriate interventions targeting the area of concern. 
  • The process continues until the team determines the following:
    • If progress is sufficient and/or the goals have been met, the student will be exited from the process.
    • If progress is not sufficient, the team may recommend a special education evaluation. 
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