Unit 3: Empathy & Kindness

Unit 3: Empathy & Kindness
Unit Flyer

November 14 - December 20

Click here to download a PDF of an overview of this unit. This handout includes what your child is learning and ways you can practice at home.


Lesson 11: The Power of Kind Acts

In this lesson, students will learn that a kind act is something they can do to help someone feel good. They’ll practice suggesting kind acts to do for people in different scenarios.

You Can Try This at Home

Encourage your child to think of a kind act they could do for someone, for example a sibling, grandparent, or neighbor.


Lesson 12: Ways to Be Kind

In this lesson, students will learn and practice two ways they can be kind to others: asking, “Are you okay?” and offering to keep someone company.

You Can Try This at Home

Help your child think of a family member or close friend who could use some company. Encourage them to ask the person, “Would you like some company?”


Lesson 13: Offering Kind Acts

In this lesson, students will learn and practice two types of kind acts: offering to help someone and inviting someone to join.

You Can Try This at Home

Help your child think of a kind act they can do for someone involving offering to help or inviting them to join. Support your child in carrying out the kind act.


Lesson 14: Practicing Kind Acts

In this lesson, students will role-play doing kinds acts in response to different scenarios.

You Can Try This at Home

Ask your child to tell you about the kind acts they and their classmates have been learning about at school this week.


Lesson 15: Demonstrating Kind Acts

In this lesson, students will show what they’ve learned about kind acts as they role-play doing kind acts for others in a variety of contexts.

You Can Try This at Home

Choose a day of the week (for example, Wednesdays) as “kindness day.” Help your child think of kind acts they can do for family members, friends, or neighbors. Write the kind acts on the calendar for the next several weeks.

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