Unit 1: Growth Mindset and Goal Setting

Unit 1: Growth Mindset & Goal Setting
Unit 1 Handout

September 6 - October 21

Click here to download a PDF of an overview of this unit.  This handout includes what your child is learning and ways you can practice at home.
Lesson 1: We Watch. We Listen. We Think
In this lesson, students will learn that paying attention means watching, listening, and thinking carefully about something. They practice different ways of showing they’re paying attention.

You Can Try This at Home
Ask your child to show you how they can pay attention, for example, when you are reading a story with them or explaining how to do something.

Lesson 2: Why We Pay Attention
In this lesson, students will learn two important reasons for paying attention: to learn and to stay safe.

You Can Try This at Home
Ask your child why they think it’s important to pay attention during different activities, for example, when listening to information or instructions, when helping out with a task, or when crossing the street with you.

Lesson 3: Mistakes are Okay!
In this lesson, students will learn that mistakes are a natural part of the learning process. They’ll practice encouraging their classmates (and themselves) while the class learns and practices a skill together: snapping their fingers.

You Can Try This at Home
Remind your child that everyone makes mistakes and that mistakes help us learn. Point out when you make mistakes or tell them a story about a time you learned something from making a mistake.

Lesson 4: Practice Makes Better
In this lesson, students will learn that it’s important to practice and keep trying in order to get better at something they want to learn.

You Can Try This at Home
Encourage your child to choose something they want to get better at (such as, tying their shoes, adding or subtracting, writing their name, dribbling a ball, or snapping their fingers). Set aside a few minutes each day for them to practice the skill, and highlight the progress they’re making.

Lesson 5: Let’s Practice and Learn!
In this lesson, students will show what they’ve learned about the importance of paying attention, practicing, and continuing to try after making mistakes. They’ll put these skills to use while learning a rhyme with accompanying movements.

You Can Try This at Home
Ask your child to show and teach you the rhyme they learned, along with the movements, so you can do it together.

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