Community Forum Results

Input that was collected from the three community forums was compiled and organized by strengths, concerns, and unanswered questions. Below you will see the top strengths and concerns that were shared in breakout rooms and on surveys. Click here to download a copy of the presentation given to the Board of Education on August 8, 2022.


Over the three nights, there were 147 community members, parents and staff members that attended. There were a number of participants that attended more than one forum. Each forum began with a group presentation by Dr. Haack. Participants then went to breakout rooms to talk through what they believed were the strengths, concerns and unanswered questions. Before participants left, they were given the opportunity to fill out a survey.


From the feedback collected in the breakout rooms and surveys, participants didn't support the proposal due to concerns with the previous location of land for the 2nd high school. The Board of Education heard the concerns about the land located at 132nd and Rainwood Road and unanimously voted to rescind and nullify the purchase agreement of that land at the August 8, 2022 board meeting.

Forum Evaluation

Through the survey at the each forum, participants were also asked to rate the format of the meeting. Participants gave the format of the meeting an overall rating of 6.75.  This is based on a scale of 1 to 10 with 1 being a waste of time and 10 being very productive.

Below is a chart of the average rating from each night and a total of all three nights. 

Forum Evaluation - Information is in the text above

Participants were also asked about how they heard about the meeting. Below is a chart of ways that they heard about the meeting.
Overall, most people heard about the meeting from the Horizon's mailed newsletter or from a friend/neighbor.

Forum Communication Methods - Information is in the text above

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